Naturopathy practice

Dr. rer. nat. Marlies Koel    Naturopath

As a child, I already, grew up with the use of naturopathy. When I was a child, my parents instilled a keen interest in naturopathy in me. That was certainly my motivation to decide in my teens that I would study biology. In the course of my studies, I shifted my focus more and more from ecology to biochemistry, which culminated in a research position for immunochemistry and immunobiology at the Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Association for Medicine and Biosciences.

Having earned a doctorate at the medical school at the University of Lübeck, University of Life Sciences, I went to Osnabrück to work in the field of laboratory medicine. There, I worked on the development of toxicology procedures, including the detection of environmental toxins in blood. My contact with patients suffering from their exposure to environmental toxins, such as wood preservatives, inspired me to learn more about EAV (electroacupuncture according to Dr. Voll).Osnabrück had a general practitioner who worked with alternative methods.

I got in touch with him. Thus began my intensive work in the field of naturopathy. My interest in psychoneuroimmunology and epigenetics deepened my holistic understanding of humans – body, mind, and soul, since they are all interdependent and interconnected.

In 1994, I opened my own naturopathic practice. In the course of my continued education and training, I strengthened my deeper understanding of the interplay of body, mind, and soul as well as the effects of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise, and social connections.

Treatment methods

In my practice, I have integrated various methods and techniques to make a holistic assessment of the overall health condition of my patients. In addition to identifying the causes for the respective symptoms, I have implemented methods for detecting possible sensitivities and intolerances and so on. Added to that are several supporting therapeutic methods in order to activate the patients’ self-healing powers. I treat all patients, young and old, on a physical, psychological or psychosomatic level.

Based on many years of experience in these different areas, I have also developed my own therapeutic approaches, which my patients appreciate and recommend.

In my practice, I work with, amongst others, the following techniques:

  • Kinesiology
  • Osteopathy
  • Craniosacral therapy
  • Pain and sports osteopractic
  • Physiokey therapy
  • Matrix rhythm therapy
  • House of Changes and Possibilities
  • Systemic constellations
  • Organizational constellations
  • Dynamic constellations
  • Coaching and business coaching
  • Psycho-oncological consultation
  • Microbiome therapy
  • Hypnosis
  • Trauma therapy
  • Frequency therapy

For more information, please get in touch. I’ll be happy to help.


Dr. rer. nat. Marlies Koel
Fangkampe 6
49401 Damme
Mobil: +49 160 96 89 46 25

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